Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Work Progress - Apr 22 - Apr 29

Web Deployment

Web version of GG app:

The web deployment package now works with JDK version 1.6.0_15 or later. The updated files are available here. The reason why the old deployment files no longer works can be read from here.

From the main menu, click on Create->TimeStepAction to create a spraycan object. It will show up as a square labelled "1" at the top of the render window. To insert action, select the "OnTriggerTimeStep" event for the time being.

From the main menu, click on Create->DrawingModule to create a drawingModule object. It will show up a a square labelled "Module1" at the bottom of the render window. To insert action, select the "OnCall" event for the time being.

To call a drawing module in some part of the script, use the "InvokeModule" codelet available in the TimeStepAction/spraycan object. Give the name of the Module you want to call as the parameter.

You may check my previous entries for some examples.

Sample drawing modules

Sample drawing modules for letter "R", "P" and "I".

Create the following script in a TimeStepAction's OnTimeStepAction() event.

Then start the simulation.

NOTE: One can click on the module's OnCall method to edit the script there.

  • Incorporate border to the drawing
  • Set "paint on" as default
  • Correct the angle specification - now 90 degree points downwards but we expect it to point upward (But it is related to pointing-downward y-coordinate in Java drawing canva)
  • Abolish those codelets with change-width-on-moving counterparts
  • Method clean-up
  • Find a mechanism to give default parameters to the codelet dragged

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Work Progress - Apr 15 - Apr 22

Able to specify the total width change for a MoveBy/DrawArc action.

In progress: web deployment -

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Work Progress - Apr 7 - Apr 14

Instead of drawing line-by-line, now it is able to draw pixel-by-pixel. So we now have drawing animation.

TODO: change width when drawing the line, set up pre-defined module of drawing alphabets

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Work Progress - Apr 1 - Apr 6

* Able to draw the line segments one at a time, while the UI remains responsive.

* TODO: May be able to create drawing animation by progressing the line drawing action a little at a time.