* Allow loading of external XML file (Ref). Now by specifying the location of the sample file in the JNLP file as follows, one can load a default script by saving it as an XML file and putting it on the web.
<jnlp ... >
</jnlp ... >
References: 1, 2, 3, 4
* On rolling over the simulation canvas, we now indicate the name of object that can be selected.
* Rename "On: Simulation" to "DoForever"
* Polynomial/curve: I implement an "Arc" object using center of a circle to indicate its location, and its radius, start angle and end angle to define the arc. You may try adding it from the "Create New Object" button.
* Skateboarder: To model the wheels better (so it wouldn't fall down in the following situation)
I model the skateboarder as rounded rectangle as follows:
* Better default file
* Pose
* Forgiving cursor (still need to wait for Jason for some core code)
* Simulation canvas moves with the main character.
New ideas:
* Providing the option of adjusting the weight of the skateboard and the skateboarder. (Different relative weight may affect skateboarding stability.)
* On pressing a keyboard key, the skateboarder responses, like accelerate or jump.
* Better Skateboarder's kick functions - for example, accelerate and jump should be allowed only when he (his bottom to be more precise) is in contact with some surface).
* Ollie, which is rotation about multiple axes. We need to model the skateboard better (e.g. with two wheels and a board rather than a soild mass) in order to model that correctly.
* Simulation canvas moves with the main character.
New ideas:
* Providing the option of adjusting the weight of the skateboard and the skateboarder. (Different relative weight may affect skateboarding stability.)
* On pressing a keyboard key, the skateboarder responses, like accelerate or jump.
* Better Skateboarder's kick functions - for example, accelerate and jump should be allowed only when he (his bottom to be more precise) is in contact with some surface).
* Ollie, which is rotation about multiple axes. We need to model the skateboard better (e.g. with two wheels and a board rather than a soild mass) in order to model that correctly.