Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Work Progress - Aug 3 - Aug 9

Work done:
* Use the ordering in Object manager to decide the drawing order of the objects. Objects on the top of the list will be put on top of others in the simulation window. A newly-created object is put on top of the existing objects. Also provide facilities for user to change the order of objects in Object manager.
* Write Core and app jar file name to the saved XML file. This allows the community site to know the appropriate Core and app jar files to load. (New version of the Core/app jars may not be compatible to the XML files saved using an old Core/app. So we need to tell in the XML file the right version of Core/app that its supports.)
* Help Varun fix the hissing sound problem
* Fix the bug that the scriplet window doesn't provide a scrollbar when it is loaded with a long script.
* Port the existing GG app to latest Core with Graphics2D engine.

Suggestions in last meeting:
* Limit the number of iterations done for each loop
* Drag on empty area -> change camera location
* Goal image window (to be done by Bill)

P.S. I'll go for a vacation starting Aug 11. I'll be back on Sept 14.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Work Progress - Jul 27 - Aug 2

Demo: "SB in beta" link above

Work done
* Modify the pCSDT core according to Patrick's suggestion - allows a jnlp file to use the "SingleDemoXmlUrl" parameter to specify a single xml file to be loaded.
* Offer a template of an pCSDT app that allows its simulation view to be drawn in 3D.
* same color for both the variable/property codelets and the respective holes.
* rename "comparison" to "operators"
* fix the bug that a number string can't be assigned to a string field.
* Move variable codelet to a separate "variable" tab

Still working
* Use the order of the objects in the object manager to decide their respective drawing sequence in each frame. (ref)
* Porting GG app to latest Core
* Move the 3D world display capability to the Core.