Monday, May 25, 2009

Work Progress - May 25 to May 29

Study of Java Physics Engine mentioned in week May 11 to May 15
  • Relevant demos: Demo 16 and demo 18 - both having a box sliding along a line, doing rotation on hitting something.
  • To run the demo, download both the core jar and test jar files. Then in command prompt, run the following command: java -classpath .;phys2d-060408.jar;phys2d-test-060408.jar net.phys2d.raw.test.DemoXX where XX is the number of the demo (16 or 18). Alternatively, I have ported the source code to a NetBeans project. One can run the demo by double-clicking on the .bat file after uncompressing this.
Integrating Physics Engine into Team A2 skateboarder code
  • Working code: here
  • Current progress: Using Physics Engine to calculate the displacement and velocity (both linear and angular) of the skateboarder. Displaying skateboarder of a particular angular displacement correctly. Displaying BoardLine with a particular slope correctly.
  • Next step: Clean the code (e.g. the collision handling/auxiliary code in the BoardLine and SkateBorder classes). Import it back to repository (after the pCSDT code update by Jason).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Work Progress - May 18 to May 22

Task: Move work in Team A2 code to the repository, without changing any pCSDT code in the repository.
Next step: Complete angular momentum code

Friday, May 15, 2009

Work Progress - May 11 to May 15

Collecting expectation on my contribution:
  • Finish collision detection in the skateboarder
  • Review code from the skateboarder team to see what can be salvaged and moved into the repository proper.
Summarizing useful resource:
Identifying the part of code to finish (referencing the Team A2 code first, then contributing my own):
  • SB/ the Impulse(SbVector r, SbVector J) method
  • SB/ Step(double dt) method [the one method I need to work mostly on], Seek(double t) method