Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Work Progress - Oct 20 - Oct 26

Demo: here

  • Place global methods after local methods
  • Sine wave
  • Survey on alternative physics engines: 1, 2, 3
  • Collision optimization: 1) Model lines as series of 2-vertex polygons rather than 4-vertex blocks. 2) Make all objects that are not supposed to move as sleeping - this helps reduce CPU load, 3) Allow the user to reduce the maximum number of iterations allowed to the constraint solver (now as a property of the background object). 4) Assigning non-movable zero mass, so they are considered static. Hopefully the engine does not check for collision among static objects. Possible TODO: Only activate objects that are around movable skateboarder at every time step. Objects that are unactivated do not involve in collision test and thus collision detection is faster. (See Body.setActive() javadoc)
  • Polynomial's default shape is now quadratic.
  • Equation objects are now accompanied with the corresponding equations in the description section of the property window. (Ref: Unicode lookup table here)
* equal inc for the lines
* Fix acceleration direction problem
* Rocket image for rocket jump
* Description of the equation lines - naming convention and general desc as annotations as description of the class in general, name and desc are description of the particular object

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