Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work Progress - Oct 26 - Nov 1

Demo: "stable SB app" above

Work done
* Hide the timer when it is not necessary
* If angular increment < 5, show an error message.
* "On outside stage" event added to Skateboarder object. It is triggered when the skateboarder is outside the rectangle spanned by the points (minx, maxx) and (miny, maxy) of the Stage/Background object.
* Message similar to MIT Scratch: "Broadcast message" method, "Send meesage" method, "On Receive message", On Receive message From" event. Try to load this for a demo use case. When the skateboarder is outside the stage area, a "Stop" message is broadcast. When the stage receives the "Stop" message, it will stop the simulation.

Scripts for the skateboarder

Script for the stage

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